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Xtorrent 2 introduces Xcore, a new torrent engine written from the ground Up exclusively for Mac OS X. It's 100% Cocoa and uses the latest technologies in Mac OS X Leopard. The result is a lightweight, stable experience that's optimized for the Mac.
Xcore implements a fully modern torrent engine featuring support for all relevant torrent protocols (such as peer exchange and message Stream encryption). In plain English, Xcore is lean, mean, and ready for the future.
Under-the-hood improvements are great, but Xtorrent 2 also makes the super easy download user experience even better. It's now even easier to manage your downloads with the addition of a straightforward Download Queue. It's easy to use - just tell Xtorrent how many simultaneous downloads to allow and the app takes care of the rest. Newly added inline controls make it easy to pause, resume downloads, and override the queue if you so desire.